CoCoCrew Episode 9
Introduction (00:01:29)
CoCoFEST! two months away!
Recent/current projects
eBay (or other) acquisitions
Announcements (00:09:38)
News (00:19:22)
Feedback (01:13:21)
"There was shareware in the Coco world - I remember programs on Delphi/Compuserve being shareware (I even did a few utilities that way for OS9/NitrOS9). It has never really taken off in the Coco world, though - if I remember correctly, Nick Marentes released Cosmic Ambush as shareware, and only a couple of people ever contributed any money for it. I know my CCUNZIP program got 1 shareware payment." -- L. Curtis Boyle
"It turns out that plain Color Basic on the Coco doesn't have CSAVEM either. It's added by Extended Basic." -- William Astle
"The MC-10 segment has given an idea to my suggestion of breaking your tech segments into smaller pieces." -- Steve Strowbridge
"Talking about the things, people should bring along CoCoFest, you forgot the most important part at all: They NEED to bring their Dragon/CoCo-Multi-Cartridges:)!" -- Roland Schwaiger
Host discussion -- What about printers? (01:20:51)
Tech segment -- Deluxe RS-232 Pak (01:36:15)
Games Corner -- Dragon Slayer (02:01:54)
Parting Thoughts (02:04:51)
"Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
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WORKING Okidata Okimate 20 color printer for TRS-80 Micro Color Computer 26-3011
Deluxe RS232 Pak
DC Modem Pak to RS-232 Pak conversion