CoCoCrew Episode 82
- Introduction (00:01:07)
- CoCoFEST! is ~1 months away
- Tandy Assembly is 6 months away...
- Recent/current projects
- eBay (or other) acquisitions
- Announcements (00:06:32)
- John V. Roach, former Tandy CEO, TCU board chair and early PC pioneer, dead at 83
- Twitter -- @CoCoCrewPodcast
- Facebook -- The CoCo Crew Podcast
- Available on Apple Podcasts,
Google Play,
and tunein.
- Available as video episodes on YouTube
- Member of The Throwback Network
- Listed on the Game-by-Game Podcast Information Hub
- Show audio hosted at Cyber Ears
- Email addresses
- VCF East: Apr 22-24, 2022
- Midwest Gaming Classic: Apr 29 – May 1, 2022
Want to know what you're going to see at the biggest MGC ever?
- “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST!: May 14-15, 2022
- Southern-Fried Gaming Expo: July 15-17, 2022
- KansasFest: July 19-24, 2022
- VCF West: Aug 6-7, 2022
- Tandy Assembly: Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2022
- News (00:19:32)
- Here is the 16-color CoCo 3 version of my game Poker Squares. (Paul Shoemaker)
- Hi everyone, I've written a simple game River Raid for the MC-10. (Darren Ottery)
Little demo video of RiverRaid, no sound sorry....
- I made a modest entrance to the program whose name, in its acronym, is even funny lolol ASSB (Mauricio Matte)
- New two player board game similar to (but not the same as) the classic Atari ST "Laser Chess" (Jim Gerrie)
- Basic Ideas of 8-bit Chiptune Sound Effects (Oboro Akaneya Music)
- Analyzing Every Second of the Classic Dial-Up Modem Sound (Lynne Peskoe-Yang @ Popular Mechanics)
- I thought I'd compare BASIC09 and Color BASIC on a sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark from BYTE magazine, and it may end up as a non-comparison.(James Jones)
- This is a complete BASIC interpreter for Arduino, including I/O and other useful functions. (sl001 @
- new AGD converted games - Pack #49 (Pere Serrat)
new AGD converted games - Pack#50
new AGD converted games - Pack #51
new AGD converted games - Pack#52
new AGD converted games - PACK #53
AGD converted games - BIGPACKs v2.9 (297 games)
SuperSprite-FM+ AGD converted games - Pack#01
SuperSprite-FM+ AGD converted games - Pack#02
SuperSprite-FM+ new AGD converted games
AGD converted games - UPDATE for MireMare2
AGD converted games - HiddenBlocks - MireMare2 v2
- Here is a mock-up of a Freecell game for the CoCo 3 that I think will be my next project. (Paul Shoemaker)
I can now shuffle and deal a deck of cards in assembly language
I'm also working on this in 2022, because why should the CoCo 3 have all the fun?
Testing out the cursor functionality on my current project, Freecell.
- Sonic decides to visit the MC-10! (Robert Sieg)
- The Invention of Battlezone (Paul Wallich)
- Wordle written as a BASIC language program on a Tandy Color Computer 3. (Rick Adams)
I just fixed some bugs in COCOdle (Wordle port for Coco3)
- This is the NitrOS-9/EOU version of COCOdle, a Wordle clone that Rick wrote in BASIC (L. Curtis Boyle)
Forgot to save a change - had the word "by" twice.
- Versions of Wordle for the MC-10. Thanks Rick Adams! (Jim Gerrie)
- The document was made in the style of a Creative Computing article. Wordle in BASIC. (Jim Lawless)
- Following the Herd(le) (Darren Atkinson)
- NEW $600 Limit on 1099K WalkThrough (VENMO, CASHAPP, ETSY, PAYPAL, EBAY) (AGC Solutions @ YouTube)
- I used to hate Cathode Ray Tubes. (Matt Evans)
- My listing is an exact transcription of Appendix E as found in the book. (David Wiens)
- GORILLA.BAS: how to play the secret MS-DOS game from your childhood (Thom Holwerda)
- Explore the 1987 GIME die images in ultra detail (Roger Taylor)
- I've just uploaded the 5th update of the Coco SDC image. (Guillaume Major)
- It’s my ritual: every time I enter a secondhand bookshop, I go straight to the Sciences section and search for old computer manuals. (Fabrizio Ferri Benedetti)
- The OTHER Old School Gaming (Timothy S. Brannan)
- NES 64: Commodore 64 KERNAL + BASIC port (calcwatch @
It's the NES 64! Commodore 64 BASIC running in an NES Emulator
NES 64: Playing.a C scale with the NES APU
- What Is the Oldest Computer Program Still in Use? (Glenn Fleishman)
- How To Arrange Chords into BEAUTIFUL 4-PART HARMONIES [Music Theory - Voice Leading] (Signals Music Studio @ YouTube)
- How Data is Encoded and Stored on Floppy Disks (RobSmithDev @ YouTube)
- My 1987 CoCo ASCII to Atari ATASCII converter (Allen Huffman)
- "Memory Mirror v. 0.9". - A look into the innards of your computer's memory (Richard Kelly)
- I've recompiled a bunch of my programs converted to be compiled using Greg Dionne's MCBASIC compiler. (Jim Gerrie)
- Non Profit 501(c)(3) Status Official! (Jim Brain)
GCCC Fall 2021 Newsletter out!
- Feedback (01:05:37)
- "Just wanted to say thanks for featuring my GoTek video." -- TL Steege
- "You state that the address decoding was incorrectly described by the schematic. As an emulator author this is indeed a source of concern." -- Tim Lindner
- "Today, free schematic capture and layout tools can make one forget how difficult it was to produce a product back in the day." -- Mark Marlette
- "I absolutely loved your discussion on the Glenside Color Computer Club." -- Eric Canales
- "I found the host discussion this month very disappointing." -- Jim Brain
- "I don't think there's anything 'impromptu' about a monthly podcast." -- Jeff Teunissen
- "I am genuinely curious how to send critical feedback in a way that is relevant but not overly showy." -- Jim Brain
- "It is always a blast listen to each episode!" -- Paulo Garcia
- Host Discussion -- Is the CoCo3 actually rare? (01:22:34)
- This Month In CoCo History -- March 1982 (1:34:56)
- Tech Segment -- MIDI Basics (01:37:44)
- Neil's Corner -- Review of Zero Hour by Nick Marentes (01:59:08)
- Parting Thoughts (02:04:16)
Tandy Assembly
"Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
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