CoCoCrew Episode 67
Introduction (0:00:45)
CoCoFEST! is 4 months away
Tandy Assembly is 9 months away...
Recent/current projects
eBay (or other) acquisitions
Announcements (0:08:18)
News (0:15:51)
Feedback (1:15:11)
"New listener here! Glad to find this podcast. I am an MC-10 nerd." -- J Rodney Rollins
"In addition to scoreboard, game countdown/countup clocks timers also
lend themselves to fairly easily manipulation as BCD rather than
converting in and out of hex/binary to decimal string." -- Robert Murphey
"I’m biased but Glenside coverage would be appreciated." -- Jim Brain
Listener Question of the Month -- Do you prefer A Cleaned restored case, or aged patina case? (Tim Hollars)
This Month In CoCo History -- Christmas 1980 (1:19:44)
Host Discussion -- Are former "family computer" kids different from former "bedroom computer" kids? How so? (1:25:19)
Interview w/ Chris Burke (1:35:28)
Tech Segment -- convert binary numbers into binary-coded decimal (BCD) (2:23:47)
Neil's Corner -- Review of SUKS (2:38:05)
Parting Thoughts (2:42:42)
"Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
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Double dabble