CoCoCrew Episode 42
Introduction (0:00:39)
Tandy Assembly is ~12 months away...
CoCoFEST! is 5 months away...
Recent/current projects
eBay (or other) acquisitions
Announcements (0:06:45)
News (0:15:14)
Feedback (1:03:12)
"Hi CoCo Crew, Thanks for having Polar Attack in the news segment. The discussion was interesting too. I've written up a little article on my blog about my
experiences in 10 line coding and porting them from MC10 to the Dragon and Tandy. Hope it is of some interest! :D" 10 Liners -- David Mitchell
"Re: “Going to far” (John mentions ARM, etc.) - I think this is where the Coco FPGA type products fall. There you are running basically hardware emulation at order of magnitude(s) faster than the original chip. Some people will choose this path, but not as many, I think. But if one is strict against some of these “more powerful” upgrades - does the CocoVGA, GIME-X, etc. fall under this umbrella as well?" -- L. Curtis Boyle
Tandy Assembly Recap (1:07:56)
- Host Discussion -- Is a good story better than the hard facts? (1:22:02)
Tech Segment -- What is a CPU stack? (1:37:18)
Neil's Corner -- Frankie (2:10:54)
Parting Thoughts (2:15:34)
"Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
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