CoCoCrew Episode 31
Introduction (0:01:20)
Tandy Assembly is roughly 10 months away...
CoCoFEST! is only 4 months away!
Recent/current projects
eBay (or other) acquisitions
Announcements (0:11:34)
News (0:24:21)
Feedback (1:32:21)
"To avoid any potential confusion I would like to point out that Forest of Doom is not a text adventure in the traditional sense. There is no verb / noun user input like “get lamp”. Instead, Forest of Doom is a real-time role playing game in the style of Dungeons and Dragons - if you don’t make your single-key-press move in time, the game makes its move against you." -- D. Bruce Moore
"The copy of Sea Stalker (seastalk.dsk) on the Color Computer archive seems too big (219k instead of 158k, like the others) and I get an I/O error when I try to boot it from my SDC card. Have you guys had luck with this particular image?" -- Brendan Donahe
"Also, CMOC always generates position-independent code. The only exception is user-written inline assembly language." -- Pierre Sarrazin
"Excellent episode, even though it was depressing to hear the part of the interview with Brian Moriarty about how Atari almost went with the 6809 and to contemplate what could have been with a computer maker that *didn't* cut every possible corner the way Tandy did with the CoCo." -- James Jones
Host discussion -- Review of the CoCo year past and the year ahead! (1:42:42)
Interview -- Mark Sherman (3:17:12)
Tech Segment -- Review of 6809 board (4:04:28)
Neil's Corner -- Xmas Rush (4:35:51)
Parting Thoughts (4:40:00)
"Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
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