CoCoCrew Episode 30
Introduction (0:01:20)
Tandy Assembly is roughly 11 months away...
CoCoFEST! is only 5 months away!
Recent/current projects
eBay (or other) acquisitions
Announcements (0:09:55)
News (0:23:03)
Feedback (1:01:27)
"What would you recommend, in late 2017, for someone 100% new to the CoCo, as 'starter gear'? Should someone like me go nuts and go straight for a CoCo 3, or is a later 2 good enough? Are the first models still usable? There are a lot of modern peripherals available now. Should someone look for a flash memory based storage device, or go for and old disk drive or tape drive for that 'original feel?' My own personal interests are learning retro programming and possibly electronics tinkering, perhaps coming up with new peripherals if I learn enough." -- Robert Alpizar
Host discussion -- How much effort to put into game packaging and "extras"? (1:08:11)
Interview -- Brian Moriarty (1:25:25)
Tech Segment -- Using Infocom Z-interpreter with Inform on CoCo (2:14:33)
Neil's Corner -- Mr. Rietveld reviews of Sea Stalker; Neil reviews Forest of Doom (2:45:16)
Parting Thoughts (2:51:30)
"Last" Chicago CoCoFEST!
CoCo mailing list
TRS-80 / Color Computer Facebook Group
Radio Shack Color Computer (CoCo) Google+ Group
Glenside Color Computer Club
The Secret of Psalm 46 (2002)
An Apple II Build Chain for Inform
Building CoCo Games with Inform
Using Infocom's ZIP on the CoCo
Building Infocom Disk Images for CoCo
The Interactive Fiction Archive
Inform Designer's Manual: 4th Edition